In the undying spirit of trying
to appease people around us, often times, we neglect ourselves. We strive to be
at our best to impress others and, in reality; life doesn’t require that we be
the best, rather just to be our truest selves.
Just stop for a few seconds and
ponder on how many times you have done something for yourselves without feeling
guilty. Try to recall the number of things you have let go just because someone
else doesn’t approve of it. “Ewww”, “You use that?”, “What’s wrong with
you”, “Yikes!” and many of such remarks that made you question your habits and
life choices.
People.. Human beings.. Us!! We
just have everything under and above the Sun to condemn and disagree upon.
Freedom of speech, we say. What a joke?! Some of us just don’t seem to realise that not all situations or
phenomenon need our opinion. To the ones that are at the receiving end,
please be reminded that many passersby will come across us and try to feed us
with their snide commentaries; their opinions should be kept just as temporary
as their presence.
Well, I’m not saying we shouldn’t
be receptive at all, but, hey! For how long more are we going to let others
trample on us with their thoughts and norms of doing certain things?
I just wanted to remind our
wretched minds the beauty of being us! No matter what others perceive, let’s
not lose our authenticity. Loving you and accepting yourself with all those
flaws is extremely important. There is no other person that makes you, you! I
have felt really selfish for taking some time to myself and later realised on
how wrong I have been. We must come to terms that we are as important as the
rest of the world.
Self-love is extremely essential.
We have to start seeing ourselves not our reflections. Our beauty is worthier
than what the piece of glass, or a person, could show us. We become what we think of. Do not
think we are of less worth just because others say so. When times are rough and
no one seems to be on my side, I simply remind myself that no one was there
when I came into the world and never will there be one when I leave. Hence, of
all relationships that we’re tied to, the relationship that we have with ourselves
should come first!
Nothing can stop the naysayers. We
could try reasoning with them but they will only be capable of understanding what
their minds could handle of. It is time to bid farewell to those that don’t
understand us or accept us for the person we are. We can’t keep explaining things
to people when they are determined in disagreeing, now, can we? Instead, we should mingle
with new people and better minds. The life that has been handed to us is ours
and only we carry the full authority to meddle with it. Just do it cautiously.
And about those “other people” I
have been talking about all this while; they aren’t the actual ones who are going
against us, you know. Our minds are the main villain here. The trick lies in
being fully aware of our emotions, perceptions, and every moment, per se. Many
misapprehend self-love as self-loath. One, they aren’t synonymous and, two, it
doesn’t really matter!
It’s all about mind-set. Let’s harmonise our mind
for our own betterment and learn to manage the deranged thoughts because it
influences everything. Let’s prompt the mind of the importance of our feelings,
emotionlessness, perspectives, as well as opinion-less-ness (for the lack of
better word). It is absolutely normal to feel nothing too! Let the mind unlearn all those trashes that we have been junking
in. And, also, alert it that it’s a never-ending journey because hard times
keep popping, we just have to continue loving the truest self that we are!
We don’t need someone to constantly validate us.
There will be times when we feel
bashed up by the storm of our emotions. At those times, we mustn’t be uncertain
to rest it out. It is okay to look after ourselves. If we are called names, so
be it. Even if the entire universe is against us, so be it. Limitations are
only created by our own mind. At the end of the day, only what feeds our soul
is counted. Divert the mind to seeing the good things and only those will get
back to you. However paradoxical it may sound, we’re creating our reality. We will
only gain back what we exuded.
Everything is temporary! Just
flow with the moment and be happy. Accept yourself and improvise yourself only
because you want to. Never let anyone impose on you. Be a better you, for you.
And, of course, never stop loving yourself. Create the life you love. Treat
yourself the way you treat others. Forgive yourself the way you forgive others.
Be gentle with yourself and give yourself another chance just like everyone deserves. Give importance to yourself the way you think your loved ones
deserve. You can only give so much of love to others if you love yourself
Love yourself - The strength
these two words have is immense! I’ve always kept them close to me and so
should you. Let’s stop paying attention to things that no longer aid us.
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